Thursday, November 03, 2005

New Address and Name Change.

As I mentioned earlier in there has been a need for a name change to the above blogspot. Since “Service Above Self” is a registered RI trademark “intellectual property” of RI. (Refer page 142 of Chapter 17 of 2004 MOP). This was also confirmed by the Licensing Department and that the above name is an incorrect use of the Rotary Marks. A “commercial” example of such a breach would be if someone registered the name or Any use of the registered Marks of RI in connection with or in the name of an activity of Rotary Clubs, Rotary districts, and other Rotary Entities must relate the activity directly to the club, district or other Rotary entity and neither directly or indirectly to Rotary. Therefore, the former particular website name, in its current format, is in breach of RI policy. I apologise for any misuse and am happy to comply with the above guidelines.

Peter Shea


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