Wednesday, November 09, 2005

District Water Management

Just recently I was informed by Governor Jane that another portfolio was to be added to Community Service.

This Project involves promoting water management by looking at ways of educating youth within District 9650 on the presevation/conservation of both water and the environment.

Rotary has a long history of involvement with Safe Water Save Lives

Below is a quote form the International Service Committee:

Rotary Volunteers (Safe Water Save Lives): The objectives of the Safe Water Save Lives projects are achieved by Rotarians helping the community involved to provide clean water for drinking and other purposes. This is done by the provision of a planned system of water catchments, storage and retention, coupled with education and training in water systems, tank construction, and maintenance and hygiene and health programs. Clubs can assist by contributing to the cost of providing and shipping tanks to selected locations and through members of their clubs joining or sponsoring non-Rotarians on project teams to work as volunteers.

However, the emphasis by District Governor Jane Bradford is an educational push in the school systems of the District to raise awareness of ways to improve Water Management.

I would like to take this opportunity to promote a little competition between the clubs to come up with the best way to save water. A list of ideas will be included in a latter blog.

It goes without saying that articles form each club as to what they are doing for the promotion of Water Management are wanted for publication on this blogspot.

Peter Shea
Overall Chair Community Service District 9650


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