Sunday, February 19, 2006

About Time

Time Is Running Out For 2005-2006

It has been three months since my last entry, but if I waited for a response from some clubs it would even be longer before there was another posting.

I have sent emails and I have left messages on answering machines and still no answer from some clubs, I suspect they don't have a Director of Community Service.

And yet it is hard to make judgements because people are very busy and it is a voluntary organisation, but you know even a nil answer would be better than nothing, or even a judgement about it is none of my business requesting a Community Service Plan for 2005-2005 or an annual report for Community Service 2004-2005.

But here I go again this is my last throw at trying to encourage the clubs of District 9650 to committ to some of the District Program, such as Interplast and Romac.

My recommendation to the District Governor is to have a good cull of the District Directory.